How to Find Part-Time Employment in Italy

Receiving a foreign education is a dream that many harbour. Yet, many fail to materialize on it. Most, because of financial restrictions. But part-time employment is pretty commonly available throughout Italy, especially in the larger towns like Milan, Rome, Florence, and Bologna. These smaller part time jobs can be pretty beneficial as they pay fairly well and can cover any extra expenses. 

Let’s take a look at a few tips that can make your job hunt in Italy easier. 

  • A lot of the bigger companies do accept English speaking employees but the general public largely speaks only Italian. It is always a good idea to learn basic Italian before you make your move to Italy. 

  1. Udemy, Skillshare, Coursera, EdX, and Rosetta Stone are some well-known platforms that offer basic courses on the Italian language. Sign up on them to learn the basics before your move or even while you’re there!
  2. The local government bodies in Italy, known as the Communis, as well as the Universities organise free Italian Classes for immigrants. Try and sign up for them. They even provide certification, which can be hugely advantageous. 

  • Most job options for International students, however, lie in the delivery category so make sure to obtain an International Driver’s License before you move so that you can take up any job postings related to it. 
  • Other job opportunities include babysitting, English tutoring lessons, or any other skill based jobs that do not require a degree like, piano or guitar lessons, Yoga lessons, etc.
  • Once you’ve narrowed down your area of expertise, the next most important step is to prepare a resume. Figure out what the best format is when dispersing resumes to apply for jobs. Europass is the most commonly accepted format for CVs in Europe, but always check and see if your potential workplace accepts any other formats.
  • Send out your resumes personally or use websites like Indeed, Craigslist, Stepstone, and Glassdoor to look for jobs. 
  • Maintain your LinkedIn account. Keep it updated on any latest developments in your career. Nowadays recruiters also directly hire through LinkedIn. Use it to your advantage by regularly interacting with it. 
  • If you have any Italian connections, try to use them as references when you apply to jobs. This will definitely increase your credibility and make you more eligible for employment.
  • In case, none of these tactics work, the final option for one would be to approach an agent. These agents help you find jobs for a certain fee. However, this should always be a final option and not a primary one. Ideally, you should be able to find part-time employment without any outside interference.

Now that you are armed with these tips, you should be even more confident in pursuing your dreams. You never know all the things you could achieve if you just took one small step towards securing your future. 

Feel free to leave any comments or queries on this and we’ll definitely reach out to answer them for you. Happy Job Searching!

                                                                                                                          – By Rubaiya Karim

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