Acquiring show money during your Visa processing can be a huge source of distress for many working to move abroad for their higher education. No one should be denied a useful opportunity to better their future simply because they lack funds for it. While a scholarship can get you really far, sometimes you don’t have access to the scholarship funds till you’ve reached Italy.
So let us tell you how to reflect the required amount in your bank account. You can make your Show Money in three ways:
- Self: If you’re a student or working professional already and can maintain a consistent amount in your own bank account, you can go as a self-sponsored individual. This will require you to show only self-affidavits and bank statements.
- Sponsorship: If you do not have sufficient funds for the Show Money yourself, you can opt for a sponsorship under some specified conditions. Those sponsoring you should be parents, siblings or any other close relatives. Due to the pandemic, however, third parties have also been authorized to provide sponsorships. There have been no official announcements yet for this year, but it should be announced soon based on the situation worldwide. You need to submit your sponsor’s bank balance certification and bank statements along with their sponsorship affidavits. Make sure to attach the sponsor’s identity proof as well. While it is not mandatory, it is advised that the documents be notarized to avoid any last minute delays. You may also be required to submit other additional documents like ITR, Form 16, and any other documents that convey the sponsor’s source of income.
- Education Loan: A third option for those with insufficient funds would be to acquire an education loan. In this case, all you need to submit is the education loan sanction letter. Bank Statements are not mandatory to be shown.
– By Rubaiya Karim